Thursday, January 18, 2007

Don't tell the baby, but...

So, the doctor calls and says "we received your ultrasound report, so please call us." Not knowing what to think, I called and nervously asked what the report said. "Everything's fine," she says, "except..." At this point I have just calmed down so I get anxious again. Calmly she tells me "your due date has been June 4th." Why is she so calm? I have to carry this baby for an extra week and a half? And we'll both weigh quadruple what we weigh now? Unbelievable. So don't tell the baby, because if he's healthy on May 25th, I still want him thinking that he's coming out then! We don't need another Deringer born in June!

Other than that, life is great. Semester 1 is wrapping up, Shane is back in his routine of work, video games, surf and sleep, and the snow is finally melting. The baby is getting stronger every day and actually kicked his daddy in the face the other night. At any point in the day I can stop and feel him running laps or doing Tae-bo in his getting-tighter-by-the-day-bubble. We are 22 weeks along and baby and mommy are both happy and healthy. What more could you ask for?

Until more news comes along, point and laugh at my tantalizing, succulent, voluptuous...belly.


At 1/18/2007 7:26 PM, Blogger Rayael said...

Well my dear...I won't tell the baby...but for some reason they know. And even if the Doctor's tell you something...they will most often do something totally different. As you can remember Chloe who was suppose to be early...all signs pointed in that direction...decided to be LATE! So not fair. xoxo You look lovely!

At 1/18/2007 7:47 PM, Blogger Louise said...

Well I have good news... my last babe was due June 1st and he came on May 25th (so that is a great birthday!) I won't tell you how overdue my first one was... they are all different and they come when they want :) You look great!

At 1/19/2007 12:03 PM, Blogger **Lola** said...

hey you, hot shirt by the way! what do doctors know??!! babies come whenever the heck they want!! you do look stunning prego! great to see you the other nite.
lotsa love.

At 1/25/2007 1:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Still looking cute! Congrats on the news of having a baby boy!! See you soon,

At 2/02/2007 8:30 PM, Blogger AlisonVeritas said...

Hey!!! You look HOT! Keep the pics coming. Hope you're feeling well.

At 2/02/2007 9:22 PM, Blogger Rayael said...

You do realize that I've been using your 'blog address' as my gateway to all our other friends' blogs! Thank you for that! It would be really exciting if you posted somethin' doesn't have to be crazy just some pictures would be fun! Eh, could ya'? Your great!


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